Acne Treatment
Acne Treatment
A combination of treatments and take home skin care to help alleviate Acne from inside out. This protocol is bespoke to an individual and may be altered at initial treatment or consultation.
What is it?
What is it?
How does it work?
How does it work?
Frequently Asked Questions:
How long does the procedure takes?
Treatments vary from 3 to 60 minutes.
What is the downtime?
This varies upon treatment type, some treatments leave you with zero downtime and others can be up to 2-3 weeks
Is there a need for anaesthesia?
No anesthetic is required, but it can sometimes be used under certain circumstances.
Will I be left sensitive?
Yes, as a new layer of skin will be formed.
How many treatments are usually required?
A course of 4-8 may be required.
How soon can I see the results?
Results can be seen from your second session.
How long will the results last?
Results will be permanent, unless caused again through skin conditions or sun damage.
What are the risks?
You may experience redness, peeling, irritated skin.