Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal
What is it?
What is it?
How does it work?
How does it work?
Additional Information
Additional Information
Frequently Asked Questions:
How long does the procedure takes?
Between 10-120 minutes depending on the area.
Can I have only one session?
A series of treatments are designed to ensure that all hair growth is permanently suppressed. There will be reduction in hair growth after one session, but not all hair follicles are destroyed in the initial session and some may continue to grow. This may leave you patches of visible hair in some areas and hairless in other areas. It is a wide known fact that one session is not enough to obtain desired results and The Clinic Room practitioners would advise against this. Additional sessions ensure that the remaining growing hairs will also be destroyed.
What is the downtime?
There is ZERO downtime post Laser Hair Removal and patients can usually resume their normal routine. There may be tingling and slight redness on the treated area that subsides after some time. Sun exposure must be limited several weeks before and after treatment.
Does this treatment require anesthetic?
Not at all, we guarantee painless Laser Hair Removal with patented ice cooling technology.
Will I be left sensitive?
This doesn’t always happen. However, sensitivity could last up to a week, mainly on genital areas.
How many treatments are usually required?
For best results, our practitioners advise 6-8 treatments.
How soon can I see the results?
Results can be seen from the first session.
What is the duration of my results?
Lifetime results with the correct follow up protocol.
Are there potential risks with this treatment?
Some may experience mild redness or tenderness. Sun damage is possible the skin is overexposed and not protected with SPF.